Monday, July 29, 2013

How to Prevent the Spread of Diseases | Body Health ...

Th?r? ?r? many diseases ?n? illnesses around ?? th?t ?r? contagious; th?? spread ?? people come ?n contact: th? common ????, flu, bronchitis ?n? pneumonia. Everyone w?nt? t? stay away fr?m germs ?r b? th? cause ?f someone?s illness. It ?? n?t th?t hard t? stay away fr?m diseases; ??? ???t need t? protect yourself ?n? others. St?rt b? taking ??m? precautionary measures. S? here ?r? ??m? tips t? prevent th?m fr?m spreading.


1 Wash ???r hands

It ?? primarily ?m??rt?nt t? wash ???r hands, essentially w?th soap ?n? warm water. Rub th? soap f?r ?t ????t 30 seconds fr?m front ?n? back. Rinse ???r hands ?n? th?n dry th?m completely. Try t? avoid touching door knobs unnecessarily ?ft?r getting ???r hands ????n. It w??? b? beneficial ?f ??? carry a hand sanitizer w?th yourself. Always wash ???r hands ?ft?r blowing ???r nose, using th? toilet, sneezing ?r ?f ??? ?r? around sick people. A??? don?t forget t? wash ???r hands before eating food.

2 Avoiding germs

Try t? avoid being around sick people. If ??? notice th?t ??m? one ?? coughing ?r sneezing, try t? maintain a distance. Th??? diseases ??n ???? b? carried through th? air, ?? ??? ?r? ?t stake ???t b? breathing. If ??? ?r? suffering fr?m ??m? contagious disease, ?? ?th?r people a favour ?n? stay away fr?m th?m. Try t? contain ???r germs. If ??? ?r? sneezing, ?? keep a tissue ?n hand ?n? keep ???r nose covered. Always cover ???r mouth wh?n ??? ?r? ?b??t t? cough. Try t? wash ???r hands ?ft?n ?n? ?? n?t touch others. Dispose ?ff ???r tissues properly ?? th?t ?th?r people ?? n?t come ?n contact w?th th?m.

3 Time t? heal

Y??r body ?? n?t a machine ?? ?t w??? n?t recover ?t once, give ?t ??m? time. If ??? h??? a fever ?r ??m? ?th?r sickness, ?? n?t try t? ?? out. It ?? better th?t ??? stay ?t home ?? th?t th? contagious disease ???? n?t spread. Take a leave fr?m school ?r work. If th? infection ?? bacterial, take ???r antibiotic medicine regularly ?? prescribed b? th? doctor. Th?? way th? risk ?f spreading w??? decrease. Another option ?? t? ??t immunized. It ?? ?n effective way t? ?t?? th? spreading; ?t prevents fr?m giving ?n? ???? getting a disease. It ?? recommended t? ??t immunizations wh??h ?r? feasible f?r ???r age. A??? ??t vaccinations against flu ?n? pneumonia.

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