Thursday, March 22, 2012

NO B.S. Profitable Small Business Internet Marketing How-To

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By: Jonathan McCulloch

Many small business marketing consultants -- and especially internet marketing consultants -- say conventional marketing methods like direct mail and newspaper advertising have lost their power, and the internet is the place businesses should be placing their attention. In other words, small business internet marketing is the only avenue worth pursuing.

And even though it isn't true the internet has totally taken over in regards to effective marketing -- direct mail and magazine advertising still have a lot to offer -- there's no doubt the internet must be recognised by any company which wants to put itself in the top position. This is true of businesses both large and small, though an internet presence can be especially useful in a local area, and it's here small business web marketing can really make its mark.

Many people think of websites when they think about web marketing, and for them persuading prospects to visit a website and buy something is the main method to follow. However, a highly effective form of internet marketing is email marketing, and you don't even need to create a website to use this particular internet marketing method. It's certainly one of the most profitable web marketing strategies, since using email is a very cost-effective way to get in touch with customers and prospects, and is also a great way to deliver a sales message which often leads to a high percentage of sales. Of course, you do have to compile the email addresses in the first place -- which does entail some expense -- but apart from that costs are low. Of all the different internet marketing tips, this is definitely one to take note of.

Another method worthwhile looking at in terms of web marketing for a small business is online advertising. A few of these methods include using Facebook and banner advertising, but it's a fact the most popular online advertising system is Google Adwords. The great thing about using Adwords as part of a website marketing strategy is how quickly it can generate business. However, you do have to make sure the ad campaigns are tightly controlled so you get a good return on investment.

Finally, search engine marketing (SEO) is yet another worthwhile small business internet marketing strategy. Essentially, using SEO means ensuring the website shows up in the top positions on page one for certain search terms. To make this happen it may be a good idea to hire one of the numerous SEO marketing companies. It is essential you make sure the company has a good success record before you choose them, and that the company can structure your website in the right way and promote it effectively. There are many internet marketing consultants who don't have the skills needed to generate more business for their clients, while many search marketing consultants have no actual record of success.

In the end, the best thing to do is put a few internet marketing strategies -- including email -- into practice and spend as much money as you can afford to get the best consultant for your needs.

Author Resource:->??Jon McCulloch is Ireland's leading online marketing expert. Visit his website now and take just 3 of his 52 FREE small business marketing ideas he's giving away now, and actually put them to work in your business and you'll be delighted by the results.

They've all generated significantly improved results for small businesses just like yours over the past two years.

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