Mumbai: Google has now announced the Android Device Manager, a new website that will help users find their lost phone or tablet. Accompanying the website will be an installable app that is set to roll out later this month. The company has made this service available for all devices running Android 2.2 (Froyo) and above.
While details about the Device Manager are still minimal, Google has said that some of the features expected include the ability to make your phone ring at maximum volume so you can find it, even if it may have been silenced.
Another detail that has emerged is that users will need to be signed into their Google Account to use the service. The Manager also ensures that on that off-chance that your device is out of earshot, it can still be located on a map in real time. Google gave a glimpse of how that particular feature will work:
If the phone or tablet cannot be recovered, or has been stolen, there is an option to securely delete all their data from the device.
And if all else fails, Google's Android Device Manager will ensure that the user's data does not end up in the wrong hands. If the phone or tablet cannot be recovered, or has been stolen, there is an option to securely delete all their data from the device.
To know more visit:
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